Farmer's Market Re-Cap

 -Community outreach that we all at HDFM have been working on:   The Harvest Festival was huge success and big FUN for Mike and Stacey Weldon, who graciously worked their butts off to make a really cool impression!  It was held at the Abundant Living Church in Hesperia October 31st.  Big Thanks to them from High Desert Farmers Market!  And thanks to Jada, one of the coordinators for inviting us to attend!
  On Nov 6th at the Celebrate Life Summitt “Healthy Nutrition, Child Safety and Prevention”, held at the New Life Chapel on 7th Ave in HEsperia, Karen Gallagher, Stacey Weldon, Jake Crum and Kerri Santoro,volunteered their services representing the important of local food, farming and the importance of fruits and vegetables.
 The next order of business and local food and nutrition outreach event will be located at High Desert Farmers Market on the Victor Valley Community Colleges’ lower campus, on November 18th during the market hours of operation 8:00 am till Noon, Diabetes Awareness Day.  Desert Valley Hospita/Desert Valley Medical Group will be out in force to perform diabetes screenings, talk about nutrition and various other helpful tips on diagnosing , preventing and managing the disease.
 –  then on Nov. 20th at St. Mary’s Hospital Center Family Wellness Day  the High Desert Farmers Market has been invited to represent local and regional California produced food to their participants.   St. Mary’s focus is to educate their employees and their families on the importance of wellness in their lives.
Other biz coming up -Open November 24th (wed before Thanksgiving Day) the market will be open during regular business hours.  And Stacey will be doing a food demonstration using thanksgiving leftovers!  Yum  So come and shop for your Thanksgiving meals.
A new program to help everyone receive better nutrition:
  The High Desert Farmers market has also been chosen by CDFA and WIC to be in the next round of markets to be trained to accept a pilot program of the new Fruits and Vegetable Checks (FVC).  The market should be ready to go with this new venture sometime in winter. (Jan/Feb).
  These are just a few of the projects and programs that the staff and volunteers have been continually working on to better make food more accessible, educate community on the use and importance of farmers, food and community connections for all our High Desert Communities members, through the High Desert Farmers Market.