Angel Family Farms
In the beginning of 2008 almost 14 years ago my parents decided to part ways from working with a previous family farm. They both knew it was big challenge but one they knew they can make work. My dad Adrian came to the United States at just 17 years old young started working with many farmers in the strawberry and agriculture fields learned so many skills. He married at 23 back in Mexico he then brought his family. My dad worked in landscaping and farming with his brother. He decided along with my mom it was time to build his own farm. They were able to buy a home with a good chunk of land 5 acs and start farming. Angel family farms of just four siblings two parents and one grandfather. We decided Angel because that was my dad‘s second last name and my grandmother‘s maiden name so we thought it was a perfect fit. We are very family oriented and take farming very seriously and enjoy growing our own produce to also provide fresh produce for our customers. My dad was very knowledgeable along with my grandfather on growing fresh seasonal produce all year round. We plan and hope to continue to give fresh produce from our farm to your local farmers market for many years to come.