Pete’s Picklin’

Pete & Michelle Wallace

I always start with this is a family business. About 12 year ago my husband and I learned the skill of canning pickles using a recipe from his moms grandmother.
Great Granny Pearl to us.
My mother in law has her recipe book and gave us the brine recipe that makes Pete’s Picklin’ pickles so delicious.
At first, we just made them yearly right before Christmas as gifts and such.
Frequently we shared with co workers who always asked if they could buy some and I think that always stayed in the back of my thoughts.
I had been in the banking world for over 15 years. Collections my last position where I knew I did not want to end up.
Fast forward to 2020 Covid.. I’m no longer working and home all day everyday… that’s when I decided I’d like to open up our pickles to the public.
After lots of hard work and finding my groove we’re going on our second year! I now have 3 booths ran by other family members and myself of course and thanks to all our wonderful customers and the welcoming from all the markets we attend we aren’t going anywhere!
Thank you from our family to you all! Pete and family

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