Tina’s Toast

Kristina Jimenez

Hello! I’m Kristina, owner of Tina’s Toast. My love for food started at a young age. Every morning my father would wake up early and make a gourmet breakfast for us all and as the days went by I picked up on his skills. I then started to help him make the breakfast which led to my love of creating delicious dishes! As I got older I continued to cook, and always dreamed of opening up a little breakfast spot. I was introduced to the High Desert Farmer’s market by my mother and we would go every week. Since then, I dreamt of becoming a vendor to serve people something delicious in the mornings. I’ve always had a love for avocado toast and noticed that not many places in the high desert served it. Once I got all my ducks in a row I was ready to open up Tina’s Toast! I’ve never been happier! Seeing everyone on the High Desert enjoy our toast makes me so happy! My ultimate dream is to open up a Brunch spot, here in the High Desert and to continue to serve avocado toast throughout the week!
